At Radius, we do not believe that prayer is "A" ministry of the church, but "THE" ministry of the church. Knowing that prayerlessness is our declaration of independence from God, we seek to make prayer a vital part of every ministry. Our goal is not simply to be a church with a prayer ministry - but a praying church. Jesus said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer" (Matthew 21:13).


12:12 Corporate Prayer

Each Wednesday from 12:12 to 1:12 pm, we unite together in the sanctuary for corporate prayer where we lift up needs for our church, community, missionaries, and personal requests. The 12:12 moniker is based on two New Testament Scriptures:

  • Romans 12:12 - Paul instructs believers to be “continuing steadfastly in prayer.”
  • Acts 12:12 - when Peter is supernaturally released from a death row prison cell as the result of the saints’ prayers, he intuitively goes to Mary’s house where he knew the church would be praying. Corporate prayer was a regular thing, not just a special meeting for Peter’s release. And in this case—the enemy's captive was set free, the plans of darkness were thwarted, the church was empowered with great leadership, and the kingdom continued to move ahead.

We see this pattern of corporate prayer in the New Testament church all throughout the book of Acts. As they did, mighty things happened:

  • The Holy Spirit was poured out in power up on the church and thousands came to Christ - Acts 1:14; 2:4, 41.
  • They received boldness to keep preaching the gospel despite persecution and souls continued to be saved - Acts 4:31.
  • Barnabas & Paul were launched into missionary ministry resulting in new Christians and churches all over the world - Act 13:2-3.

We pray corporately to see similar things happen. Almost every major revival started as a result of corporate prayer. Our desire is to see God move powerfully in Casper and beyond!


Prayer Partners

Here at Radius, we know how important prayer is to the growth and vitality of a church to help it fulfill the Great Commission. It’s paramount. Because of that, we want to take prayer to a new level. Prayer partners commit for the entire year to pray specifically for Radius Church one hour a week, each week. You can pray any time of day from anywhere—the comfort of your home, your vehicle, the great outdoors or here at the church during office hours from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. You could even join us pastors and other Christ-followers at our 12:12 corporate prayer time over the Wednesday lunch hour from 12:12-1:12.

Maybe praying for a whole hour seems a little daunting. Feel free to split it up into two half hour sessions, four 15-minute sessions or whatever works for you. Maybe you are wondering what you would pray for. We’ll help you. Each quarter we’ll create hardcopy and digital prayer guides that share needs for the church and its ministries, our community, and our nation. We’ll inform you of special Radius events and outreaches that you can lift up. Charles Spurgeon said, “Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence.” Will you help us see God flex His omnipotence in our community and beyond? Will you partner with us over the course of this year for one hour a week each week, praying for Radius and revival in our city?

Click Here For Prayer Partner Guide

If you are joining our prayer partner team please email us at so we can add you to the list that way you get all the prayer guides each month.


Prayer Room

Our prayer room is available for anyone desiring to spend private time with the Lord, either by themselves or with family and friends. It is located in room 205 and is available during regular church office hours Monday - Friday 9 am until 5 pm.